This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts.

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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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Alexandre | Story: Verdigree Petina

Coppersmith, cowboy and local town badass. Hardened from all the shit he witnessed as a child. Knows martial arts, gunmanship and horse riding. Not big on smiling, very cynical. Chaps always stay on. Chews toothpicks when he can't smoke

0 1

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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This photo made me use my best move: Harden

1 99

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


1 1

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


4 6

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


1 4

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


3 4

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


1 2

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts.

0 2

Graypaw! his tail is coated in hardened mud that's strong in battle

11 117

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


2 1

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


0 0

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


2 5

This story follows an 18-year-old infantry soldier through his 12-month tour in the Vietnam War. Readers will be there next to him as he grows from a naive, scared teenager to a war-hardened veteran


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