Smaug destroys Esgaroth - Gaius31duke

Esgaroth or Lake town entirely of wood and stands upon wooden pillars sunk into the bed of the Long Lake,

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It's his Yule gift to himself ^^

(I don't celebrate, but Merry Crisis to those that do!)

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Ficitonal AU family meeting between elwing, elrond, baby arwen and celebrian :) for a tolkien secret santa on tumblr

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Fingolfin - EvissOmiros

Fingolfin was the first High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand

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Eowyn and the Nazgul - Deligaris

Leave the dead in peace!" A cold voice answered: 'Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn.

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Morgoth y los Silmarils de Justin Gerard (

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