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Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // blood , injury , accident , family issue , minor character death
cw // angst , thriller

Part 26

86 806

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // blood , injury , accident , family issue , minor character death
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 25

91 861

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // family issue , minor character death
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 24

117 936

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // family issue , minor character death
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 23

63 767

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 22

51 380

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 21

81 719

Isabella: (I cannot stay here, I didn't notice his eyes, he has beautiful eyes... Stop Isabella) I'm a bad choice... I have trust issues...

Big Jack Horner: (He looks at you intently, before chuckling) Is that so? Well, that's very nice of you to be honest, Isabella. And I've… https://t.co/CCRIBiqpmn https://t.co/vb8xH9V7K2

0 0

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 20

107 941

Fixed slight color issues

92 462

Trying to measure heights.

Having some issues ngl

0 4

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // bullying , injury , family issue , suicidal thought , cutting , blood
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 19

103 947

Babu! Ini emg sender yg skill issue, buff abyss nya yg jelek, apa musuhnya yg makin nyebelin
Kenapa sender dr tadi bolong 1 star mulu di 12-2

0 0

Kazuscara family (short story)
tw // bullying , injury , family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 18

128 931

This just makes more sense to me than dressing him up as Vegeta. He and piccolo have so many similarities like
-white and ourple clothes
-pointy ears
- brooding but softie
-green ( Tamakis when he's anxious w stomach issues)

15 207

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // bullying , injury , family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 16

114 1010

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // bullying , injury , family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 15

85 813

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // bullying , injury , family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 14

80 703

Kazuscara family (short story)

tw // bullying , injury , family issue
cw // angst , thriller , harsh word

Part 13

89 869

Something I think about my OC, Rone, how his trust issues stops him from growth & learn to be empathetic to someone or understand someone's advice unless they're on same shoes as him.

Don't mind my long talk about it, but enjoy the thread:

2 47