window to the soul (for sadboyjaebum)
Rated G, College/University!AU, 5850 words

17 24

ภาพโดยจินยอง 😊❤

7 6

I dun wanna cut it ... it's hurt --- hurt my heart

188 159


14 14

재버미 츄하트 발사!!♡♡
sendind out the chuu heart!!

7 14

재버미 츄하트 한다면? ♡
jaebeom's chuu heart!

12 21

🐥: pls wear the 🐱 hairband and do aegyo🙏🏻
🌴: miao~

4 12

Lmao he was laughing and gets ready to kick BamBam😂😂 I freaking love their relationship


294 196

Blue hair 💙 👍😍😘🌴

Original pic cr
Thank u 💚💚😍

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