What if we had christmas alts. And also we were gym leaders from johto. And also we were both girls

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I love him! Such a funny design! If we ever get a let's go Johto game, he better be there along with all the gen 2 evos and Farigiraf!

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Okay ritsus main thing is friendship evolutions. I feel like he could have been a gym leader but to me ritsu gives more. “Trainer who used to adventure w his childhood friend but now he’s just a guy” vibe. Musharna is awful to battle bc he spams yawn with it . From johto

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The Johto starters! 💚💙❤️

I always thought this Gen was underrated ✨

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We also have Johtonian Draglimmer/Glittragon, originally designed by !!

A Water/Dragon line that evolves with a Water Stone.

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Pokemas rerunning the Johto villain event so I drew gay people

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My friend brought up a kickass point; if we ever get a Johto title, the Ilex Forest likely originally stretched from its Azalea location all the way up to Ecruteak and I would LOVE to see that.

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8) Favorite region

This one I dreaded the most because I.. actually don't know.
I have so much nostalgia for Johto. Can't speak on Gen 8 or 9. I only barely remember Gen 5's map X_X

I'll tie Kalos and Johto. Hoenn is up there too!

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Pokémon oc :) his name is Mattéo and he's a fire/rock/fairy trainer originally from Johto

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Dia 5 - Tipo Elétrico Favorito

O segundo integrante fixo do meu time dos sonhos desde que apareceu lá atrás em Johto.
Ampharos é o reizinho da segunda geração, e o rei dos elétricos.
Quem discorda tá maluco =p

2 9

1 Delphox
2 Skeledirge
3 Hisuian Typhlosion
4 Blaziken
5 Incineroar
6 Emboar
7 Cinderace
8 Johtoan Typhlosion
9 Infernape
10 Charizard (ew)

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Johto legends⚡️💧🔥

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8) Ahhh its a mix between Johto and Hoenn
9) dragonite! it gives out such great hugs
10) Victini! it seriously needs more love

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7. Favorite Starter
Si Johto tiene a los mejores starters del mundo se dice y punto. Pienso defender a Chikorita a muerte

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2. Favorite Pokémon game
Hmmmm Johto o Johto?? Difícil elección

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8. Favorite Region

Stiiiiill have to give it to Johto. There's some sick ass lore in Paldea but Johto feels like home.

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8. I'm probably the only person that picks Johto. It's got great music and there's just something about it. Especially in the original release, the color palette, especially at nighttime is perfection.

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Pokémons that are in Gen 2 and not in the main series when broadcasting episodes of the Johto region in the anime.

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8 - favourite region

i love you forever johto <3

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