I forgot to post my doodles I did on the plane yesterday- or...2 days ago? I’m so jetlagged

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C’était fort sympa le jetlag, un bon copain.

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Decided to combat my mild jetlag with an overly ambitious 10 mile hike in 36C heat. Got a years worth of vitamin D and cooled off in Eaton Canyon Falls. Bloody love being back in CA.

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Jet lag + time zone change + food coma = one long nap!

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Its day again friends!
Im still jetlagged so we are cracking at it a little early though!
Lets make some art! Who knows what we are in the mood to make!
4pm - 6pm est


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I rarely take photos anymore so this is from like a year ago with some severe jetlag BUT IT'S MY FACE SO OH WELL 💙

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jetlagged no-sleep time is the optimal time to draw

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Been playing Stardew Valley to fight the jetlag. Here's my farmer, Prince🌱🌻 she likes foraging, planting, and fine ladies 🔥

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Right this is silly now. Cant I just sleep??? 😂😂😭😭 it's almost 4am and I'm wide awake!

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My brain decided a chill night watching the Grumps finish Undertale was the perfect time to pull up some old long put away nonsense to give me a heap of downward spiralling mental health-wise.
Pic related : it me

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Hey! Yesterday I was 100% pulverized by jetlag, so I neglected to mention that the latest LAVENDER JACK COMMUNITY INTERMISSION is up on ! I A some Qs about my process, favorite media, and THE FUTURE OF THE COMIC!!

Check it out:https://t.co/zAIqWZgSFq

(All good things😈)

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I'm so jetlagged and can't do any proper art - so have a sleepy mouse 🐭😴

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Aerial Magic updated yesterday but apparently I was too jetlagged to drag myself onto the computer to post about it?
I am not very good with long flights and timezone changes, someone please turn the sun off ; - ;


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