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심심할법하면 혼자 이 스샷 또 보게 됨
야마모토가 막 완전 근육 우락부락한 체형도 아닌데 키차이 9센치 난다고 체격이 일케 차이가 나는 게 진짜 너무 좋지않나?????? 하 걍 둘이 Jonna 허그 갈겻으면좋겟다
@ChrisSamnee is an American comic book artist & writer whose work on Thor: The Mighty Avenger, The Rocketeer, & Daredevil won him Harvey & Eisner Awards. Chris is the co-creator of Image's Fire Power, & Oni's Jonna & The Unpossible Monsters.
A Jonna and The Unpossible Monsters fan art that got out of hand. @ChrisSamnee
hihi #portfolioday!! i'm a storyboard artist from toronto who's lookin for work after oct. 22, i can do remote or on-site. i also have some NDA examples from the job I'm currently at that can be inquired through email
Our Author-Illustrator Spotlight is on @ChrisSamnee and his new graphic novel, JONNA AND THE UNPOSSIBLE MONSTERS (@OniPress), coming out on Aug. 18! https://t.co/L8FQURDbUE Read about the story, his kid lit graphic novel recommendations, & enter to win a copy! #giveaway
하...진짜 샤오는 jonna큐티girl이다
안그래도쪼만한애가 보자기에 바리바리 감싸진 것처럼 꽁꽁 싸매고 있는데 한다는 말이
♥️그렇게는 안 될걸! 내가 있는 한!♥️
Nomi fan art from @ChrisSamnee Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters.
#comicbooks #onipress #jonnaandtheunpossiblemonsters
[#LesDijonnaises - Le matrimoine]
Ce projet porté par #EllesàDijon a pour ambition de réhabiliter les grandes femmes de notre ville et notre matrimoine.
Mais au fait, c’est quoi le #matrimoine et quel est son intérêt ? ⤵️
Get stuck into the new issue of PanelxPanel this weekend!
Interview w/@ChrisSamnee on JONNA & essays/craft talk on the series
PLUS: interview w/@JamesTheFourth, @alexdecampi & @ryanklindsay, Love & Rockets, Friendo, @steamin_crispy's Turtlenecks & more!
Took some time out from the Beorn kickstarter to do some fanart. Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters by
and Laura Samnee is brilliant! My wife and I love each issue so much, and can’t wait for more.
#FANART #FanArtFriday #makecomics #comics
Alguien más está leyendo el JONNA & THE UNPOSSIBLE MONSTERS de Chris Samnee? Con el mínimo de diálogos, Samnee da catedra de cómo narrar una historia. (Técnicamente un comic post-apocalíptico, de hecho es ideal para todas las edades)