Finally,, ,done with this bastard

Crutete, the string of fate serial killer

Now I drew him I sorta don't hate him,,,,

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Drew my little brother as a keronian because I dragged it into the Keroro Gunsou fandom

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Planning on making a comic outta this lil dude. I know it looks rushed cause it is- but don’t mind it lol- I THINK I’ll have some luigi stuff to post by tmr. Anyways this is Zarere, but I miiightt change his name though

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me and as Keronians! We're gay.

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Sometimes u have galaxy brain idea's, this isn't one of them but yolo LMAO

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thinking about how these two have the Pikopon/Keronian bond because they both have ties to Latios and then I never touched on it again and simply say they have a bond because they're both short-asses

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Here's Miroro. Her only appearance was in volume 20 of the manga. She has a similar role like Miruru and Mirara. SInce she has never been seen in her official colors, this is how I depict her. I also added fins so she won't be mistaken for a keronian.

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i'm NOT DONE I WAS just moving wifi

This bitch! That bastard! ((Crutete))
Jirara and my two LOZ keronians Midnana and Helmaroro!

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A silly comic I drew because I have 0 braincells ((description is in my tumblr post)) LMAO

IK i'm posting it at dead hours but I'm not exactly proud of it, but it's the first proper drawing in over a month so I mean owo;;

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I made a Keronian-sona because I think it's cute. Here is Rokaka! And she finna stab ur ass with that giant pencil

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Here is Keronian Jon building his Zero model!

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toxel is a keronian everyone get the FUCK out of my way

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bonus round: not *the* first but One of the first digital refs I ever did of my son. Momo's name, Moreke, was just a slapdash made-up name breaking the XYY pattern but still sounding 'acceptably keronian'. this vs the last time i did full art of him

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Thought I'd look cool as a keronian froge

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is all done...but HEY works well too! Here’s a dump of the last few days FO doodles...


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I didn’t forget about this ahah....
Starting off!! Tokoko is probably one my oldest Characters. She's a Orikero that was in the keronian military, and didn’t take others ppls shit. She likes hot springs and fried or shredded Ika.
(She also was shipped with Dororo oops)

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My old old fan character named Lalulu who is a keronian from Sgt Frog and was part of some cool ass fighters guild group at one point??? Her eyes look a bit soulless but I still think it came out cute!

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Sobble reminds me of a baby keronian

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Im sorry Im rambling, but. Please look at probably my oldest OC. Her name is Tokoko now, but she use to be Riroro.
Shes a feisty lady who specializes in combat in the Keronian Army FSLEFj

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