"Burning Kabaddi" is coming April 2021!

TMS ENTERTAINMENT x domerica is animaing the series.


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Burning Kabaddi Volume 15 Cover

Yoigoshi Tatsuya, a former ace soccer player who dislikes sports gets invited to join a team for the contact sport kabaddi. He scoffs at the idea at first but becomes interested after watching a kabaddi practice.

2 chapters currently translated

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NEWS: Hajime Musashino's Burning Kabaddi Sports Manga Scores TV Anime

✨ More: https://t.co/HQgGMYNfnq

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📺 Le manga Burning Kabaddi de Hajime Musashino va être adapté en anime. Sport méconnu en occident, il est principalement pratiqué en Asie.

Un premier teaser pour les curieux

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Anime TV

Burning Kabaddi (Shakunetsu Kabaddi
Genre: Sports
Website: https://t.co/TQGVcDejCE

Former soccer club ace who hates sports
One day, the "Kabadi Club" is recruiting!

Anime PV: https://t.co/HqbMr3DGWw
Manga: https://t.co/vfO7GDjdui

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Le manga de sport Shakunetsu Kabaddi (Burning Kabaddi) arrive bientôt en anime : https://t.co/yMaWYfBWBe

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Постер до анонсу аніме адаптації манґи "Shakunetsu Kabaddi" (Палаючий кабадді) від автора манґи Хаджіме Мусашіно.

📜 Сюжет:


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A sport manga "Burning Kabaddi" get an Anime. Kabaddi is a contact team sport originated from India.
(🤔I don't know well)

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Hajime Musashino's manga series "Burning Kabaddi" is receiving a TV anime. The studio has not been announced.

Teaser PV: https://t.co/NjwhTWbgCH

Official Twitter:

HP: https://t.co/YuNO8RRenH

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Манга "Shakunetsu Kabaddi" получит аниме-адаптацию. Подробности позже.

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"Burning Kabaddi" Sports-Manga will receive an anime adaptation

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El 14 de Shakunetsu Kabaddi

Un spokon de Kabaddi, que es un deporte famoso en el sudeste asiático donde vas al campo contrario a pillar a otro jugador sin respirar mientras cantas a todo trapo una canción

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Portada del tomo 13 de Shakunetsu Kabaddi, spokon del Kabaddi de Mashino Hajime

Y del 15 de Soukyuu Boys, spokon de balomano de Fuuwai y Sazakuzi Kyuu

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