ท่านคิดด 💕🌕
A man under the moonlight.

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Picture from yesterday's stream! What other collection would you like to see on Kaito? 昨日のストリームの描いた絵です!これから快斗をどんな服にすればいい?     

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BANG! 勉強多くて、描く暇がない。寂しい。😖 Exams are coming up so no time to draw ;v;  

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Picture of June of my 2019 calendar. Sexiest foot I have ever drawn. 2019年のカレンダーの六月の絵です。足頑張ったね。#中森青子  

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Someone asked for a continuation but right now this is all I can manage with my time. 続きが欲しい人がいたが、今のところこれしか描けない。🙈  

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