Silence - sound,
Darkness - light,
But the heart...
Fills and takes over love...

0 3

Estaba pensando en y salio esto
Es que me re enoja pero lo vi hace muchos años así que le guardo cariño jajajjaa
Sigo sin Internet :^(

2 15



番組[ ]

26 102

MatPat, can you do a Film Theory on Kamijou Touma's true power? Invisible Thing and Dragons, he also wields Imagine Breaker. Anyhow would be sick to see your take on theorizing the crazy world of Toaru Majutsu no Index. It's both scientific and magical.

8 12



番組[ ]

23 118

Kamijou Touma can shift into a venom-like dragon.

1 2

La couverture et le résumé du volume 5 de Genesis Testament ont été révélés:
"Les vacances d'hiver. En se réveillant, Kamijou Touma découvrit une fille blonde sous ses draps! Alice? Est-elle perdue? Dans les ténèbres entourant la cité académique, Alice est-elle son alliée?"

2 9

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 29 : Patch

0 1

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 28 : Crispy

1 3

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 27 : Spark

1 4

Bonjour!!!! 🌹👁️🌹

Ha pasado un tiempo desde que hice un dibujo de nuestro Rey KAMIJO.
Pero este no es Kamijo, ¿Bill Cipher poseía el cuerpo de Kamijo?
Cualquiera que haya visto Gravity Falls sabe de lo que estoy hablando.

3 7

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 26 : Connect

0 0

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 23 : Leak

0 2

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 30 : Slither

0 0

Dia 5

Leia Toaru e vire mais um fã de Kamijou Touma neste exato momento.

(post atrasado pq a escola tá fudendo com a minha rotina diária do adm)

10 40

Thank you Following!

My name is KAMIJO REN.

virtual writer :)

Besides, I like games and songs!


Saikin Maketeruman!

"Maketeru" means "Kinketsu"


14 71

I am inspired by the InkTober challenge to throw myself a little funny OctobeRose-Ink challenge only around Kamijo, it's just for fun.
Day 17 : Collide

0 3