‘But her brain was not interested in the future. Loaded with the past and hungry for more, it left her no room to imagine, let alone plan for, the next day.’
—Toni Morrison

🎨 Joe Morse

4 35

“Whoever desires to be merry, let him; For tomorrow is never certain…”

(Lorenzo de' Medici in Chelsea Quinn Yarbro’s “The Palace”)

🌙Giorgio Vasari

10 43

'After the dark, and before the light,
One lay sleeping; and one sat weeping,
Who had watched and wept the weary night.'
-Christina Rossetti

🎨Kinuko Y. Craft

35 108

“I enjoy the pleasure of weighing the rays of dead stars…” ✨

— Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Tomorrow's Eve

🌙 Zansot

13 51

'It was easy enough
to bend them to my wish,
it was easy enough
to alter them with a touch,
but you
adrift on the great sea,
how shall I call you back?'
-Circe, H.D.

🎨Frederick Stuart Church

28 82

“Finally, the flying witch wants to make her way through the air, and the ballon, following this route of the birds, carries us farther than the eagles and higher than the clouds…”

— Charles Louandre, La sorcellerie

14 50

Evening my name is Colleen and I'm a K-7 teacher librarian in Surrey, BC and we're still on summer break here!

1 21

- 👻👻👻"It is absurd asking me to behave myself. I must rattle my chains, and groan through keyholes, and walk about at night if that is what you mean. It is my only reason for existing." the ghost says...

"The Canterville Ghost" - Oscar Wilde 📚😱😱😱

4 21

"The spirit thou lamentest is not gone;
Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!" (Shelley)

🎨 San'Ok (2021)

33 122

I deck myself with silks and jewelry,
         I plume myself like any mated dove:
They praise my rustling show, and never see
         My heart is breaking for a little love.

L.E.L., Christina Rossetti

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802-1838) 🎨 by Maclise

5 18

“We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams.”

~ H.G. Wells - New Worlds For Old

25 76

You have probably observed that your baby-sister wants to do all sorts of things that your mother want[s] her not to do. […] It simply means that she is doing as she has seen the fairies do; […] and it takes about two years to get her into human ways.

8 29


3 13

“The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance;
We find delight in the most loathsome things;
Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings,
And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance…”🔥

— Charles Baudelaire

🌙 Peter Wedel

10 37

The Forest is dark, dearie, The Forest is dark;
The moment you think that you’re lost in the woods, then you are.

—Emory R. Frie, Wonderland
art by Tom Krieger

34 118

The cats of born 28 July 1866. Here we have Miss Moppet, Tom Kitten & his sisters, & wicked Simpkin from the Tailor of Gloucester.

91 345

“Ask her what she craved, and she'd get a little frantic about things like books, the woods, music. Plants and the seasons.
Also freedom.”

~Charles Frazier, Nightwoods.🎨 Sheri Dinardi.

6 29

A6 This one I am going to shout out STARFISH and the librarian Mrs. Pochon who is based on the real life Mrs. Pochon - and then will say to all of you librarians here on Twitter. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

4 24

"Whirl up, sea—
whirl your pointed pines,
splash your great pines
on our rocks,
hurl your green over us,
cover us with your pools of fir.'
-Oread, H.D.

🎨Bartolomeo Giuliano

21 67