I got out of bed in a cold sweat last night only to remember my high school crush... haytham kenway

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Q: будь добр, расскажи поподробнее , как ты относился к Джиму Холдену? Почему считал его лучшим другом? Была ли шоком для тебя новость о его смерти? Долго горевал по нему?
Тут моя винда совсем поехала и адекватно закончить картинки не дала :(

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Original challenge - post 4 fictional characters who mean the world to you. QRT if you’d like!

Senua, Efrideet, Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway), and Aragorn...for their strength, skill, and keeping true to themselves.

(Honorable mention, me and my friends’ OCs...)

🕯 https://t.co/5jet7tCGmW

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I’d list more but there’s a word and photo limit on Twitter, here are my top 4 that are way better than Ellie
•CJ from GTA San Andreas
•Edward Kenway (ACIV: BF) https://t.co/ciIgvEYRlS

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I promised a person I would draw this character more, as I mentioned that he was her new husband. Although this is your adult version, I hope you like it

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Проворонила годовщину в ассассинском аске
Хитем с Попрошайкой идут по следу о.о

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Tenía por ahí este dibujo así que lo terminé, fin de la historia xD

Commissions open kenwaymk.art.com

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Think I forgot to post these and gotta do so quickly before pride month ends HERE'S ME AND MY FAVORITE BOY CONNOR KENWAY

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A little redraw before I go to sleep, Here's Connor Kenway/Ratonnhaké:ton in AC3

2019. 2020

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Connor Kenway / Ratonhnhaké:ton

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Was disappointed to find out that I must of deleted my first ever attempts at digital art using GIMP back in 2012 or something. This a sketch from 2013 though of Connor Kenway in AC3.

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Captain Kenway is ready for the Viking 🏴‍☠️

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six fanart NO. 3

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