I only feel like doing sketches today.

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The King of Fighters XV revealed an animated video directed by Masami Obari highlighting the hotblooded battles ahead of its release on February 17.

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Puede enterrar a cualquiera que lo desafíe... ¡literalmente! Y nadie conoce su verdadero rostro, lo que le convierte en un misterioso peligro constante. Es KUKRI, y llega en de la mano de ...

...CLIC: https://t.co/QDXELqSPas

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✨💥👊ボッコボコにしてやるにゃー!!👊💥✨ | Cronose https://t.co/sYH7gci8kI       

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KOFXV. Finished painting Kula Diamond.

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KOFXV. Finished painting Angel. Few more characters left to draw
People's elbow.

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See chat the real reason why Kim Kaphwan isn’t in KOF XV yet is cause they’re splitting him up into two characters. In this essay I will-

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Lets have a a lot of fun and draw, paint, play fighting games this year. down?
KOFXV. Krohnen drawing.

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Se ignora su verdadera identidad, oculto tras su máscara de tiranosaurio. Pero lo que está claro es su objetivo: ¡convertirse en el dinosaurio más feroz de la galaxia! KING OF DINOSAURS os espera en con ...

...CLIC: https://t.co/93LpZvpKG5

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Uma das maiores surpresas do Game Awards de ontem foi esse novo personagem. Mistérios a parte, ele é Tetsuo, K9999 e Nameless em um só.

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Whip painting done. I should sleep. Thank you for the motivation.

ウィップ(ムチ子)塗り終わり。もう遅いのでとりあえず完成という事でw 左手の指を怪我してギター練習できないので、せめて右手で絵。

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