“I was busy earlier today meeting up with King Simba and his new baby! 😊
I wanted to play with him, but Simba told me that he was too young for that stuff. So I made a few funny faces instead just to cheer up his cub! 🤪
Simba even told me the cub’s name!
He said it was Kion...”

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❤️🧡💛🤎👑"Queen are not born. Only love corps us!"👑🤎💛🧡❤️

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: Studies art intensively, learns how to paint his art really well, opens up commisions to hone skills better
also kion: ends up using his skills to just make amogus memes

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kion is a he/him lesbian 😊

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Obviously ONE of the Kion plushes is better than the other; they're definitely not exactly the same. and WILL get to the bottom of this!

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His colors were adjusted to be more like Kion's, and I referenced screenshots of adult Simba and Kovu for the drawings! I'll redo the teenage version soon adkjsjchx

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Quick doodle of Kion and Fuli to test out my copic marker PS brushes in Clip Studio!

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some lil drawings of kion, to show the stages of mane growth.... mostly for myself he he

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Applebloom: *laughing*

Lachlan: Hey, there’s Kion! For real this time!

Unikitty: Nice try, but I’m not falling for it a second time!

Kion: *right behind Unikitty* Not falling for what a second time?

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kion(@ kion0099)様宅のリブちゃん描かせて頂きました…!すごい美人で、初めて見た時から言葉失うほど美しくて好きです…!!お顔だけではありますが、とても楽しく描かせて頂きました!!💕✨

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(C)Appland, Inc.

宇宙空間 Y3




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Brenda trovas ion, kion ŝi kredas sekureco kiam ŝi trairas pordon tro malgrandan por la roboto Zhelezor, sed kio estas tiu lumo?


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Oh no Pinky turned into a large pink strawberry gummy bear X0x

Pinky: *hides away*

Kion: *sees him* Oh~!

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