
Gwyliwch y rhan olaf o 'Dream a Little Dream for Me' gan Emily Laurens

Watch the final instalment of 'Dream a Little Dream For Me' by Emily Laurens

🎭 https://t.co/2chAUEZdUm

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Gwylio Nôl - Theatr 🎭 | Catch Up - Theatre 🎭

Gwyliwch y bennod ddiwethaf o 'Dream a Little Dream for Me' gan Emily Laurens cyn yr un newydd heno! / Catch up with 'Dream a Little Dream for Me' before the new installment tonight!


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Me hice un icon cómo dios manda:D
She is Laurel, Laurens, Laurele, aún está en duda su nombre xc

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/-\/\/\ -

Dream a Little Dream For Me gan/by Emily Laurens


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This is your 10 minute call!
Tune in at 9.30pm to see the third of Emily Laurens' beautifully crafted puppet shows, Dream a Little Dream for Me - will it be your dream broadcast tonight?

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Dyma eich galwad 10 munud!
Tiwniwch i mewn am 9.30pm i weld yr drydydd o sioeau pypedau hyfryd Emily Laurens, Dream a Little Dream for Me - ai'ch breuddwyd fydd yn cael ei darlledu heno?

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It's a double whammy tonight with TWO New Digital Commissions 🙌

Life Coach by

Dream a Little Dream for Me by Emily Laurens

⏰7pm + 9.30pm

New Digital Commissions and Theatr Gen with and

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Cyfle i chi weld dau Gomisiwn Digidol Newydd heno! Noson ddwbl i ni gyd 🙌

Life Coach gan

Dream a Little Dream for Me gan Emily Laurens

⏰7pm + 9.30pm

Comisiynau Digidol Newydd a Theatr Gen gyda a

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I may not live to see our glory
But I'll gladly join the fight
And when our children tell our story
They'll tell the story of…tonight

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Hanner awr tan berfformiad nesaf Dream a Little Dream for Me gan Emily Laurens!

Half an hour to go until the next performance of Dream a Little Dream for Me by Emily Laurens!

🗓 16.05.2020
⏰ 9.30pm

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Mae perfformiad newydd o Dream a Little Dream For Me gan Emily Laurens nos fory - tiwniwch fewn!

There's a new performance of Dream a Little Dream For Me by Emily Laurens tomorrow - tune in!

🗓 16.05.2020
⏰ 9.30pm

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We're looking forward to watching tonight! A New Digital Commission by Emily Laurens goes live at 9.30pm. Don't forget to watch!

More info: https://t.co/TF6Drbt9OS

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Ry'n ni'n edrych ymlaen at wylio heno! Mae Comisiwn Digidol Newydd Emily Laurens yn fyw am 9.30pm.
Cofiwch wylio!

Mwy o wybodaeth: https://t.co/68YoJPGXAb

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Heno, o 9:30pm, bydd Emily Laurens yn fyw! Treiddiwch i'n hanymwybod cyfunol a
gwyliwch wrth i'n breuddwydion yn ystod y cyfnod o gyfyngiad ar symudiad ddod yn fyw https://t.co/ksl6w1Mc9i

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We're looking forward to watching on Saturday! A New Digital Commission by Emily Laurens goes live from 9.30pm - the first New Digital Commission with . Who'll be joining us to watch?

More info: https://t.co/TF6Drbt9OS

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Ry'n ni'n edrych ymlaen at wylio ddydd Sadwrn! Bydd Comisiwn Digidol Newydd Emily Laurens yn fyw o 9.30pm - y Comisiwn Digidol Newydd cyntaf gyda . Pwy fydd yn ymuno i wylio?

Mwy o wybodaeth: https://t.co/9ASdJgBVx0

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“In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

I made it angstier than I first thought.


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🍍Tbh John Laurens was the first person to pull my heart strings in Hamilton then I just gave up trying to keep a straight face from there

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Dream a Little Dream for me...

Hands up who's having strange dreams at the moment 🙌
Emily Laurens would like to hear about your dreams since lockdown began so that she can bring it to life within a tiny puppet booth.

More info: https://t.co/q55XcDVWzq

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