My Lazy Lions floor pick of the day!

Captain hat, Police uniform, Zebra skin and a joint!
Who's gonna save it? 🧹

**NFA / Not mine**

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13 49

My very first got thirsty with all this excitement, yesterday we drank some 🧃 and 🥛 Thanks for the encouragement pride!!! ❤️ each and every one of you! 🦁

What do you think?! Ready for ROARwards 3.0!🤔

21 89

My very first is getting thirsty!!! What do we think pride…is it finally time with all this excitement!?! 🥛 🧃

14 68

Got this for you💨💨🍃#Mmemberville

2 28

🔥NEW KING ON THE BLOCK🚨 bought for 1.29 ETH by DDKing_eth from MattyZ

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3 Lazy Lions swept for a total of 1.45 ETH(2,547.44 USD) on Opensea

1 3

GM! Today is going to be a great day!!! Let’s ROAR together!

12 52