DUO BRAND y estrenan 'Konodo, Yajūna Kowamote Shōgun no Kyōikukakari (Tsuma) o Haimei Itashimashita' en la Opa×Comi vol.6. Leticia se casa con el general Dion por orden real. Además, tiene que amansar a la bestia y enseñarle modales.

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Obrigada pela thread!!
Olá Galera! Meu nome é leticia e esses são alguns do meus desenhos, espero que vocês gostem!

9 30

Oi gente, eu sou a Leticia e faço alguns desenhos legais, há um tempo atrás eu havia perdido uma conta minha de desenhos, e isso me desanimou bastante.
Mas decidi criar outra conta, e vou estar colocando alguns desenhos meus aqui em baixo pra vocês conferirem :)

14 42

Day 5: Leticia from When the Villainess Falls in Love

Last day for my manhwa princesses line up, i might consider doing a line up for some recent manhwa’s I’ve been actively reading.

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Un Dibujo De La Oc Leticia Loud Hija De Lincoln Y Taylor Oc Que Pertenece A Un Chico Llamado Brayan Urrutia

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FL that are a true sunshine~
Angela - I'm stanning the prince
Leticia - How to be a Dark Hero's daughter
Poppy - Midnight Poppy land

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Ditrian and Leticia is so soft for each other 💘

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Pyramid Consciousness
There is nothing higher than Truth!
“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
~ Marcus Aurelius
Artist: Leticia Cordona

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ditrian and leticia really likes this position huh

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15 170

Hey, Leticia! Well, it's been a really rough last month of this year, but I managed to get my webcomic, "FR1T2," started in August - 🐾☢😉

Still wanna do a voice reel and more comics, though. Here's hopin', 2022 😅

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Ditrian's love for Leticia is just 💯

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ditrian comforting leticia after she had a bad dream :(((

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I really love ahwin character fr, he will do everything that he can to protect Noel from the fake saintess. he screams actions > talk but at the same time he is loyal and very sharp. he knows when there's something wrong to leticia. one of the best character for sure

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I really appreciate Leticia & Noel's friendship in many ways. I appreciate how Noel sacrificed not only herself, but also her love (with Ahwin) just so she could save Leticia in the first timeline. And now in the present tl, Noel is still the first one who believed in her.

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ho ho ho

arte é da let @/leticiapavau

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