Lil Stevie Comic 57 My wife asked for a Jeep for 17 years, and what do I do? It’s ok she is still with me and the Jeep is dry.The duck is a surprise! Inspired by

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Lil Stevie Comic 56 published live from Well Folks not even this cold kept me from keeping one comic a day pace. See you all tomorrow.

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Lil Stevie Comic 55 Sometimes inspiration just hits me in the middle of the night, or rather I hit it. Thanks to for great sermons

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52 “Sorry” I hear my wife say this to people A LOT when I am around. Why do we resist help from those who love us. I would not have to utter those three words I hate so much to wife , if I would just listen. Those three words “You were right”

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51 This is Unfortunately based on a TRUE Story. My wife was on the other end of the line laughing at my pain. To be honest I was laughing at myself. Men if you get stuck to your phone, be warned the ripping it off HURTS!

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50 I am excited that I have been able to share 50 of these with all of you. There is now a as well. If you are not sure if you have missed an episode check the website. Episode 50 builds on the first episode this is not how the story ends

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49 Came to me while working. Dealing with decisions that affect so many. This was my everyday as child and the biggest decisions I had to make. They were great days but I would not give up a single of God’s Blessings from today to “do it over”. Happy Today All

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46 Little late, the ending changed four times. I see so much of my faith in this. I work at it and work at it, but when I really reflect on who I am, I need to go back to the spiritual gym again and again. It is ok that we are a work in progress.

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45 This Episode is great. First This actually happened. Yes I ate the Garlic Blueberry Waffle and I was thankful that I had it. Second there is no greater fear in my family’s eyes then when I say I am going to cook. Pre-Eat before coming Inspired by

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44 When my wife proof read this her first thought “ I hope I never for their laughter.” Seems like yesterday the daddy raptor chased them and Mommy was base!

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43 Perspective This is a hard one. Not just for me to draw but for us to keep our lives in perspective. I am only going to point one finger and I will do it to the mirror. I need to work on mine, do you need to work on yours? Have a blessed Friday!

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41 Finally the point. It seems lately we have had a FLOOD of negativity in the world. With a Flood build an ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) For my fact checkers yes they found the money ,look back at episode 37 (it was unspoken you have to watch)

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40 I have been waiting to draw this one for SO long. Here it is.Hope everyone has a great night. If you would leave a like it helps others get a chance to enjoy. Inspired by the art of and

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38 The sermon today said “most people can not commit to do something for 38 days.” from Today is 38 days without a missing a day of Lil Stevie. I have to say this made me feel good. Thank you all for liking and sharing!

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37 I hope more than just me and my wife have suffered from this. Unfortunately more than once this has happened. I blame it on the aggravation of looking for parking. Inspired by the art of and

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The aggravation of the grocery store for most people I think begins in the Parking lot. It’s funny that we get so upset we are like minded there for the same thing. This should make us happy and FOOD makes most people happy so it should be two wins. Let’s see.

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35 This is a great Story to jump in on. I can’t believe any bodies lil angles would act like this. You know this is Fiction because the kids actually picked on the mom’s tone. I truly believe my kids can only hear me when I reach Jet level decimal

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