Talked a bit too long today in school assembly, I think...

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9 Days to go until Litfest! Ever wanted to try your hand at blogging? Come to 'Voice and Vison' with

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STOP PRESS! Litfest are delighted to announce the release of the programme for the March 2017 festival!

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And hands up if you're seeing at this Sunday? 🙌🙌

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Ran into these gorgeous chappies at does live drawing with orchestras, that takes guts💪

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A poem for the last night of the Closing Down the Festival

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2 chances to see children's books legend Michael Foreman at this weekend

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You can bid for VISIBLE Squishy McFluff artwork from as part of

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125 days to go until the 2015! Awesome Artists! 25th September - 4th October.

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