Oh noes, the science husbands’ smooching time was interrupted. Whatever shall they do?

11 39

Boxdad ❤️❤️
One of my favorite characters
Probably my top 3

2 7

Grumpy comment or clenching his teeth? Either way it’s probably KO’s fault.

3 15

No one had realized that Tko was very possessive with Box,NO ONE expected.But it started to get annoying,and a fight broke out for Boxman’s attention between Tko/Fink/PV! Box prefers not get into it,for now. PS: Only with P.V Tko uses eyeliner

5 31

We always thought the garbage husband was Boxman cause he slept in the trash can but in reality Venomous was the real garbage (and we still love him)

28 97

I dont really have any words other than Venomous's piece is based off one of Steven Ogg's instagram posts skjsk

8 36