I finished my first Solo Ludum Dare!
It was different since I've been doing jams with a group of doods since 43 now! Shoutout to my doods in the previous jams!

You can find my entry here: https://t.co/hv5pqi3hrq

My video will be up soon!

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Because of the nature of my comic, most of my art these days has been medieval fantasy world type stuff, and the has been so fun playing with totally different character designs.

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day 2!!! Made lots of art and progress, so far so good!

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So I've been working on the parallax backgrounds for our game Had fun using textured brushes😍

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character i made for jam with

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A beautiful afternoon to be working on my game for !! Here are some of my favourite models I’ve done so far 🐦

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Here is our Steampunk Shuttle for

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Day 1 of complete! The core gameplay is to collect seeds and plant trees as fodder or golems as offense against the lumberjacks. Still need to add the plants but it's a good start👍

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The new Paladin bear and a couple enemies I'm thinking of adding as nightmares!

What do you doods think?!

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Sneak peek das artes da

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day one! Drawing the most I can for the little fish game my friend and I are making... Let’s do our best!

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What is going on in there?...
Well, at least everyone looks happy...

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Ludum Dare 46 has finally begun! My progress so far. Not much, considering I still need to finish the story as well as all the coding.

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first 3 hours of progress, got the main concept worked out and a mockup done!

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