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♨下北沢に「由縁別邸 代田」が9/28開業。箱根直送の温泉を利用した大浴場の露天風呂、女湯にはオリジナルアロマのミストサウナ、男湯にはドライサウナ&水風呂を併設。尚、10/12〜は「日帰り利用」も可能!担当は小田急の中でも企画力あるUDS株式会社(目黒クラスカ、MUJI HOTEL等)で、これは期待ッ🐼
Muji is out there, checking on other guardinals shamelessly
hello #NobodyArtistClub ! im muji n i draw magical cute girls that i wish were my friends ✨
I've been so excited for the zine, here's Gentaro in streetwear with his neck and ankles out 😳
I had Muji aesthetic in mind while drawing 👌 I think Gentaro shops at Muji
coffee mill(Kalita), driper(HARIO V60), Nel drip(HARIO DPW1), kettle(Takei), stand(CB JAPAN), beans(Foret coffee, Lion coffee, Uminomukou coffee, MUJI, Seattle espress, etc.)
#coffee #HARIO #Kalita #foretcoffee #Lioncoffee #Uminomukoucoffee