Después de publicar aquella Amy, ayer se me ocurrió hacer un Sonic también >:)
Literalmente hice este dibujo en una tarde y me sorprendí con el resultado 😁💙

Sé que Sonic clásico tiene los ojos marrones pero me gusta más hacerle brillos azules 💙👀

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I only draw this little head-notch/eyebrow notch on my characters because I studied and learned from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron as I developed my style! It was very much influential.

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Jour 10 : Chestnut-sided Warbler (Paruline à flancs marron)🌰🪶

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C!Pollo tiene los ojos marrones y cuando le pega la luz parecen amarillos:D
Conforme pasaron los eventos del lore sus ojitos se volvieron más oscuros y tengo pensado hacerlos de color negro si Todo continúa valiendo madres para el

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These sisters attend Fredrick Mason Grail University. A university for people of various sizes.
Margo is the youngest and still in her goth phase
Marron is the youngest and is incredibly smart, but gets heated when height is mentioned
Marcy is the middle child and a football jock

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marroncream x meiko ... a dream collaboration ...

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If anyone is wondering who is paired up with Makoto, it's Marron Cream ! She's a rabbit 💕

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ivy with marroncream maybe??

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2005: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, dir George Lucas
2004: Shaun of the Dead, dir Edgar Wright
2003: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, dir Peter Jackson
2002: Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron, dir Kelly Asbury and Lorna Cook

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2004: Hidalgo and Two Brothers (I haven't seen that one in YEARS but I loved it)
2003: Sinbad: Legend ot the seven seas
2002: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (DUH!!)

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I have finally concluded ganji gupta's sanrio character to be my sweet piano. (and Annie to be marron cream cause marron cream is very cute i think she should be in more collabs)

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Cute boy with sunglasses. (ref. no.7)
Marron color jacket looks also nice on you.

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Mika x Marron Cream Sanrio Mascot

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Mika x Marron Cream Sanrio Mascot

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du jaune dans sa vie.
Retour sur les débuts de avec sa tenue Jaune,marron erouge par Bill Everett (#daredevil 1), (DD - Yellow) , (DD - Father) & Wellinton Alves (DD - Season One).

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Mika x Marron Cream Sanrio Mascot

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Veo que no son sus ojos marrones.

Mi HC duele pues

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