"Laxi... Your heart gives me what I finally needed... The strength to gain the peace I desire!"

>Alternate Mascula Portrayal
>Open to serious and crack roleplaying
>Most scenarios take place post-fusion in this alternate portrayal, but I can do pre
>Like and RT Appreciated

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Here, have a smiling, blushing Mascula! 💗

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When Capt picked up the hammer is was a beloved character in a moment of heroism saving the day and helping Thor.

When an unknown character became female Thor it was written to intentional emasculate Thor and spit in the faces of fans. https://t.co/6k5HDmgOAL

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Me: Is an appendectomy a caecumcision?

Surgeon: No, it’s more like colon emasculation or neutering a caecum

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masculaxi the ventriloquist

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AY YO THEY’RE BUFFING THIS MAN’S TITS LIKE WE AS A POPULACE WOULD FAIL NOTICE AHAH 😂👌💯💯 anyway luca I genuinely really love you and hope you prosper & help make the kind of peaceful world Mascula would have wanted to live in while he still had his own body. Keep it up, king.

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I was just informed that she doesn’t have a single line of dialogue this chapter but it’s ok because I love masculaxi so 😳 ch14 here I come

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Yes Ami is very mascular 😩👌 both arms thighs and abs

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i never thought saeyoung would be THIS mascular and this makes me think of saeyoung as a drummer haha very 6c

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Happy birthday to Superman himself whoakes me feel emasculated every time I see him, here's some of my art to celebrate

7 11

They keep over selling the tails from her V1 blouse, which was a minor part of her design. I was expecting more ninja accents or a kimono theme. But they just tossed the old motif and just made up a new one that was way easier. I really miss Blake's V1 design. It was emasculate

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when you absolutely have to bust that nut in the stall during your lunch break at work

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uuuu he has mascula's sword I'm cry,,

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Laxi from Despite some backlash, I really enjoyed ch.11, so here's a little tribute - I'm planning to draw Mascula in the near future, so stay tuned!


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You know what's NOT funny??? The CALCULATED emasculation of THE BLACK MAN https://t.co/2KWmUdEwIm

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Let us have Mascula and Luca!!!
color -

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DL-style sticker for Mascula because who knows if CyGames will ever make one for him 😭

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"but why isn't mascula playable :("

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