Sharing a kiss, one day left of mctober and right after I’ll be picking up with the obeymevember thing

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Cramming two together. I was just thinking where the pacts would be, I didn't think hard about how it's used. people know how to make them pretty and detailed. has the prompt wounded but has Belphie's "Killer" moment, that's basically one and the same.

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Today’s was reuniting in the human world and I can’t just draw a serious image to save my life
From top to bottom is Xenon, Dominic, Satan, Haku, and Alex

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Back in the Human World
In a call with a demon boy!

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Say hello to Dominic, Haku’s partner in crime and human world friend
I swear they are mostly innocent

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Day 27 Last Night in the Devildom
So how you all doing after lesson 40 (If you got that far)?

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I didn’t try as much with this one 😅

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Satan + Haku = smol blonde baby
I was challenged to turn off stabilizer for this drawing

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Due to the fact that I’m lazy I’m meshing Simeon and Luke days together
I imagine Luke having a baby blue onesie for his pajamas

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