Been a while since I’ve draw the robot bois so here they are all fancy n’ shit.

38 100

Tfp Megop Child

aka the Peace baby

71 406

Megatron Advent Calendar day 15 ~

More Cybertron megop, Megatron's enjoying the view Optimus Prime provides uvu

12 32

Megatron Advent Calendar day 13 :D
More Cybertron, this time MegOP themed :>

5 13

In which Optimus dies and Hot Rod becomes the new Prime, and is now pseudo-married to Megatron. Oh dear, I wonder what will come of that~?

Anyway, I hope you guys like!! Its super short cause it's just setup, but yeah;;

44 208

megop indulgent dooddlessss

83 500

FINALLY!!! the new chapter of Pull The Stars Down To Us is up!!

If you like MegOp and time travel, take a gander here --->

27 133

🎃Happy Halloween🎃#megop

82 418

i wanted something wedding themed and here we are 💕 (i have a weird obsession w tuxedos but with skirts)
im sick and cold and feel sad, but these silly doodles made me feel better

27 268