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"Aveva #unDifetto grosso.
Una debolezza, per così dire: era una persona buona."
#GuillaumeMusso, Un appartamento a Parigi
(Am morgen, 1931 #GeorgSchrimpf)
#Buongiorno #GoodMorning #10ottobre #ArtLovers #DonneInArte @UnTemaAlGiorno @alecoscino @_Vivi2013 @DavLucia @672Cilia
никому конеш неинтересно но все равно скину как бы ну а че
зовут der mussolini и deadly dreams
Il #16agosto 1924, in un bosco di Riano, venne ritrovata quasi per caso la salma di #GiacomoMatteotti, parlamentare socialista e fiero oppositore del fascismo, ucciso.
Con la diretta responsabilità politica e morale di Benito Mussolini.
Ya van 37 horas del directo de Mussolini en YouNow
Concept art for Night on Bald Mountain by Danish illustrator Kay Nielsen. The nightmare-inducing Fantasia segment was based on Mussorgsky's tone poem and inspired by slavic #folklore; the god Czernobog is summoned forth by a dark ritual on St. John's Eve.
The final death match.
#tekken #jimcarrey #alessandramussolini
Antonio Tajani elogia Benito Mussolini: "Ha fatto anche cose positive" ➦https://t.co/4X3p66DQTP #Cartoon #Humor #Comics #FunnyPictures #EditorialIllustration #Vignette #Drawing #Satire #Politics
#BerylSwain The biker babe was the 1st woman to ride a solo race in the @iom_tt back in '62. Due to worries from the ACU she was the only solo female competitor to race until Hilary Musson successfully applied in '78. #IWD2019 #StrongFemale #bikerchick #girlpower
Com es va apoderar el règim de Mussolini de la imatge del general Anníbal i la va demonitzar? Descobreix-ho demà a les 19 h a "Anníbal, terror de #Roma. Ús i abús de l'antiguitat durant el feixisme", la nova conferència de César Sierra a @CanVerdaguer #NouBarris @CcivicsBCN
Prince of the underworld
Partially inspired with Mussorgsky's Gnome and numerous legends from tundra about Chude people, a tribe that went underground. In some rare Komi-Permian variants Chudes were said to have pitch-black skin or even fur.
#krita #digitalart #folklore #chudes
Relax, it's almost the weekend! BUT tis also means that we are even closer to closing our current exhibitions and to welcoming our fall shows.
Jody Mussoff, "Untitled," 1984. Courtesy of the Artery Collection.
#aumuseum_katzen #ArteryCollection #jodymu… https://t.co/eQBHSWIDj2
#365日きっかけ #3月21日 #音楽 #music #展覧会の絵 #mussorgsky
Repost from @GiuliaPerona:
"Se Andrea Musso ti disegna durante una presentazione"