Who's better at teaching the art of nudes than our devilish Angel? XD canon smut up on ^^

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When Nerd is happy, I'm happy <3 up on ^^

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I hope the exams has been treating you all well XD up on

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Read Ash's backstory on Patreon hehehe! His story has quite a faith theme o.O backstory up on

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When you only up once a week so your Halloween arc is still ongoing and we're about to enter Dec XD up on

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Ooooh what do have here? XD An AU? XD canon smut up on ^^

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When Ash gives you the smolder and you go *nosebleed* nsfw illustration up on

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Punk :'<<

It's painful---


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Still on Ash's story ^^ it's a tough ep to read this one >.< backstory up on

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This month we have a snowy theme! ^^ Happy early thanksgiving! ^^ illustration up on Also this month's postcard on tier15!

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Spooky Oct may be over but the spookiness continues XD up on

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I’m Carlos NCT, Senior Concept Artist. Love to make DUNE stuff. Also worked on Call Of Duty MWR, WWII, BO4, Warzone; HITMAN 2, Hyper Escape, Castlevania LOS 2, and Spacelords. I also have my own IP: Quantum Quest

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Hehehehe how far did they went? XD du-dun! canon smut up on Phew just before the month end LMAO I'VE NEVER BEEN SO FOCUS AND DRAW SO FAST XD thought Oct ends tomorrow but NOPE XD

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Let me know if you can guess the character XD up on ^^

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Do you feel the spooky vibe tonight?~~~ We're approaching Halloween on Patreon! XD up on

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*piu piu* nerd being nerd XD up on

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A wild handsome character appears! XD backstory up on

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You know what season it is (つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ happy autumn <3 up on ^^

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This month we feature Drew x Angel XD cough cough will tomato survive? XD canon smut up on

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When three of your fav people are in the same panel.. SQUEE! up on ^^ https://t.co/K6dTmPcDUD

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