Here are my "Top 4 Video Game Elephants"
Ellie (Donkey Kong Country 3)
Elephant (Uncharted: The Lost Legacy)
Tembo (Tembo The Badass Elephant) /GameFreak
Elephant Slug (Metal Slug 3) / Nazca

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'The Gods from Outerspace" was a short-lived large format comic book series.The Ancient Astronauts are burning the Nazca symbols into the rocks.

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Initialement un Webtoon, Nazca fait ici l'acquisition d'un titre très intrigant autour d'un jeu pour le moins dangereux mais empli de mystère...

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NAZCA (DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth current Remix) by MIDICRONICA - Remix Project 改 (KAI)


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The Crazy Of Dojima Daisaku Kuze. Well?? He's back To attack Regular Army for reason "No Daigo allowed into airship"

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Camina en el sendero de la soledad...que nazca en ti el deseo de esperanza y amor, pero eso no servirá de nada; tu sendero conduce al vacío y las ansias de destruir lo que un día pudiste sentir, camina Kawaki! y conviértete en el antagonista que estás destinado a ser.

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Bueño en lo que esperamos a que nazca María he decidió hacerle un dibujito con referencia de mazapán es por que México se celebra el 12 de Enero el día Mundial del Mazapán. Espero que les guste.

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Hice un dibujito de un husbando que muchos quieren que nazca pronto ✨

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New episode- this time I talk toons, conventions, Covid, markers, masks & more with out in AZ.✏️🎧🎤

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Si salgo embarazada y no es como Byul mejor que ni nazca

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Bruh.... this Only in Metal slug 2nd mission for Everyone agree now. But They didn't fucking credit on them so yep....

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Nuo Hentomi (Well new characters from MS5E-G But.... Still yep.... She's Vietnam 22 years old [at 2045 years])

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