de l'#Ascension et déplacements restreints...😞
Envie de voir la ?....🙂
Elle s’affiche sur !
L’eau, la plage et les vagues dans la d’affiches du 19e siècle vous embarque pour un petit voyage maritime... 🌊

1 9

If you're not doing anything may as well do something new.

3 13

This friday is a white mage <3
Here's hoping this helps ya feel better ^^

9 25

She loves Oran Berries, but doesn't really know when to stop.

7 18

Is cosplay friday owo/ this week Kiki.
Textless alt (minus watermark) cause holy geez this was work.

5 15

We've all had pets that will just sleep anywhere, no matter the situation. Maybe you've even been there before. Whats important it getting those Zs though!

4 15

She knows the 4th wall is there, and that sometimes people need this. An if you don't, then take the nuzz a' boop!

5 12

Its hard to get moving when you don't have a reason to be moving. Once you get into the routine though, its not so bad. Remembering is the tough part.

1 4

It never hurts to take a moment to warm up. Unless your house is on fire. Then get out of the house please.

2 8

She works at a local daycare. So she meets new friends often.

1 4

Coincidentally she also doesn't understand no stubs on the table.

1 3

Lemon couldn't find you so she decided to follow her own advice <3

1 3