Join a wee mouse & silly pup for the PINK & PURPLE ADVENTURE of a lifetime
A colorful in rhyme🎁

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A wee mouse enters a grumpy pup's life & changes his ENTIRE WORLD. This for will bring extra this year🎁

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Day 3 of Creeptober! This one is morbid I know, but what better way to release it this month🥾 🔪🩸💀
Check out my linktree in my bio for my other social media!







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Is that show still on? 🤔😄
Check out my linktree in my bio for my other social media goodness! Lick them branches 😉

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about the plague:
The 'roses' are red blotches on the skin.
The 'posies' are the sweet-smelling flowers people carried to ward off the plague.
'Atishoo' is the sneezing fits of people with pneumonic plague.
'We all fall down' refers to death.

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Illustration of "Hey Diddle Diddle"

Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such fun,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

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There's still time to join today's today at 10am. Just pop us a message and we can send you the details!

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Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing;
Wasn't that a dainty dish,
To set before the king.

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Memory improvement: Jigsaws have been proven to sharpen our memories as puzzlers must remember where a certain piece fits within the wider picture, which can be tricky if you have had a break for a week or two.

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Oranges and Lemons is a traditional English nursery rhyme and children's game. There are all sorts of theories about the meaning of the lyrics.

📷Illustrated by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

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Who wouldn't want to sing a song of sixpence with a Queen like that?! 😊
Love that the black at her feet has it's own plate of fish! 🎣

Art by Charles Folkard. 1919, Public Domain

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This week's theme is children's and sayings!
(We're not sharing virus lore this week, to make sure those impacted can enjoy it too. Thanks folks 🙃)

(Image from Nursery Rhymes by Edward Cogger)

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