wE aRe FoLlOwInG tHe gReEnE sTufFs tRaIl to HeRe!

0 7

WE neVEr FORgeT aNy oDD fREN...

even If yOU haVe 1 or 2...

All Odd fREnS fAMIlY

67 294

gOoD mOrNinG oDd faMiLy! hAvE yOur cOfFeEs aNd LeTs gO GeT iT!!!


(Who’s got Jerry the snail as a fren? Share below)

64 270

How strong is the community? Everyone drop your

62 204

cOmE Ot uS mY pReCiOuS
🎤tHrEE 🎤
We have Food, and warmth, and a don't give a Fk attitude 😂

5 16

soMethIng has escApeD FrOm the BoX...

iT'S Also LeFt bEHInD a mEss...

wondEr wHaT CoUld IT Be ThaT CraWLs arOUnD Odd WORlD?

IT's DEfinitElY Not AN odD freN...

wHAAAaAAaAAt CoulddD it beeeeE?

188 500

Might as well Rock this for a bit?
F with it?

3 3

odD FREns SCaRed? ODd freNs NEvER PANic.

odD frens StroNg toGEther IN OdD woRlD.

57 148

one of Us one of us One of us ONe Of uS onE OF US


MaYBE nOt...

113 299

My boy is pissed because the lil mouse hid the backwoods and he doesn’t know how to roll! FuUuUk🤢

11 55

frEE nft givEAWaY 🌎

To enter✨

1. foLlOw
2. Rt + LiKe
3. tAg 3 odD fReNS

Also available on: https://t.co/jwAQwKxosV

423 570

kEeP sHariNg aNd spReaDinG tHe oDd lOve N vIbes 💜

55 174