The mangaka behind the adventure series Magi, Shinobu Ohtaka, begins a new series titled Orient with a Japanese-fantasy theme centering around a 15-year-old boy with a special talent; series debuts on Kodansha's Weekly Shounen Magazine to ship on May 30

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this is the secret panel from chapter 299 ohtaka tried to hide

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Ahora sí que sí. Magi ha terminado. Gracias por estos años de aventuras y magia, Shinobu Ohtaka 💖

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Imagen terminada del cap final de espero que les guste ~ los personajes son creacion de

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Mauvaise nouvelle pour les fans de Magi : The Labyrinth of Magic de Ohtaka Shinobu puisque le manga prendra fin le 18 Octobre 2017 au Japon

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Ohtaka's backstage 312.

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Lo único bueno de Mi
Ohtaka, te odio

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Pada awalanya Shinobu Ohtaka (Mangaka Magi) membuat Aladdin sebagai Perempuan, namun tidak jadi.

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