I decided to do the challenge going around!

It puts into perspective how far I've come and how damn proud of where I am now.

I know that it can only get better and that I can learn and do more, and you know what?

That's the most exciting thing. 💕

0 1

I drew for myself a lot near the beginning of the 00s, but stopped doing personal art for nearly a decade. I'm learning all over again and still trying different styles. First drawing is from 2002, Catwoman was from 2015 and Bella/Mortimer was fall 2018.

1 18

This an interesting way to look at my progress. At least I started remembering to sign them 😂2008<2014<2019

0 5

i hate my old art so i did not wanna do this but here
2012-> 2014 -> 2019

5 29

I still like drawing girls with magical powers ✨

2011 > 2015 > 2018

18 160

I'm late to the party but here's 2006 - 2013 - 2019 and I feel like I should be doing much better by now lol

0 2

tryin to post at least one thing since art block said no art march
2015 -> 2017 -> 2019

1 6

2009 ->2015 ->2018

Real talk though, so far I've spent 2019 drawing shitposts of lackluster 2015 quality and only putting try-hard die-hard effort into bad things that I cannot share on this public PG-13 Twitter account...

What happened to me?

0 9

I always loved floofy things

2009 ->2014 ->2018

2 11

2007 - 2013 - 2019

it's weird how long ago 2013 feels like... and looks like haha

0 3

A little late but here we go :)

- old art: 2011? I can't remember c':
- mid art: 2014
- new art: 2019

this ideia is really inspiring <3 Sometimes we forget how much we did improve.

9 84

October 2016: My first 3D model made without a tutorial
October 2017: Something from in between
December 2018: ArtStation feudal Japan challenge

2 41

My progress in the world of 'Concept Art'. Would have been a cooler contrast if I was older T_T

2014 > 2017 > 2019

1 18

Oh boy. It's always incredible to look back. Haha

3 48

I dug back and went down a nostalgia trip to retrieve these, but it really makes me smile. Improvement seems so slow and difficult. It's a long and arduous crawl, but when you look back and see how far you come, it feels really nice.
✨✨2006 - 2011 - 2019✨✨

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