Aw, Ruth. You know that phenomenon where some cats get really agitated when other cats give them attention, and they lash out seemingly out of nowhere but they're really just trying to communicate that they want to be left alone? Yeah.

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I know Hazel's talking about her ability to teleport, but I've always wanted to believe the "best at running" line is also her having the tiniest bit of self awareness of her total unreliability in high stakes situations.

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Baal, being the bad ex, does not get to be privy to all of Laura's inner turmoil about how to respond to Sakhmet over this weekend.

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In flashing lights over Dio's head: "IMPENDING TRAGEDY"

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I get legitimately teary-eyed when I read this bit. Dio's attitude is *so* earnest, and his understanding of how you manage friendships when there are unreciprocated feelings is *so* kind. He's the best.

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I remember being in college and watching Equilibrium. My girlfriend (now wife) and I were talking about the ending where Preston suppresses his emotions so he can go on a righteous killing spree to topple the oppressive government.

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This is my co-teacher and me whenever a student says or does something worryingly asinine. (Her name is also Cass, which means that I get to be the jerk in the helmet).

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I think Laura understands that there's no protecting Ruth at this point. She's just trying to hold on to the sliver of happiness she picked up before it gets taken from her like everything else.

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Let me someday pack an ellipsis with this much exasperation.

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Meanwhile, Woden "installs" the surveillance tech in Team Sunshine's gear. Why does this asshole get to be clever so much?

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Good morning! Let's talk about the one where Dio and the Morrigan talk in the dark and Laura is forced to be complicit in hiding Sakhmet.

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Contributing to my "Ruth and Laura could have been a good couple" hypothesis, we see that Sakhmet did tell Laura about the eating her dad thing. It was slow, but they were opening up to each other.

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The Morrigan's deflections with Cass are super shitty. The fact that Cass immediately tries to sort things with her partners sets her apart from Morri, who would just say it's part of the game or that Baph doesn't really know what he wants, etc.

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I think it's a testament to how into their own stories the gods are that none of them thinks to just, like, dress down while out in public. Dio could at least put on a beanie or something.

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Look! A glimmer of emotional honesty!

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No, wait, this one is Chekhov's finger click.

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