A3) It all depends on the book, but I love it when the illustrations tell a different story to the text. The Terribly Friendly Fox by and and Life on Mars by Jon Agee are to of my recent favourites that do this!

0 21

So many amazing illustrators already mentioned this evening, so I won’t repeat. Can I mention . A truly amazing illustrator! a1]

3 22

A1) I love ' collage style illustrations, so bold & colourful. is one of my absolute favourites & 's illustrations are awesome!

2 15

A1) My second shout-out goes to the beautiful work of Every image is a beautiful work of art!

0 19

Not sure this is a game But let's go for it...

Give your best advice for crafting picture book characters. Wrong answers only.

Heck... let's really go for it. Any picture book and/or writing advice works (wrong answers only of course).

2 23

Complete this line (from OTTO GROWS DOWN by and ) with a GIF. The wackier the better!

"Then a strange thing happened."

0 13

Complete the line (from HUNGRY JIM by and ) with your own words or a GIF. The wackier the better!

"Jim was not sure what to do.
On the one hand, he did not really
want to devour his mother.

On the other hand . . . "

0 9

Respond to these lines from NORMAL NORMAN by and with a GIF. The wackier the better!

0 6

Complete this section from RULES OF THE HOUSE by and with your own house rules. Wrong answers only!

0 8


Finish this line (from After the Fall by ) with a GIF: The wackier the better : )

Line: "Unfortunately, accidents happen . . ."

0 19

Round 4 of 5.

Try to figure out the titles of the three pixelated covers below and comment below with your answers. The person with the most correct guesses will win a prize : ) Closes at 11pm tonight : )

1 9

Tomorrow, is GAME NIGHT!!!
There will be games, trivia, and giveaways!!!!
Prepare for a night of fun.🎲🎮😃

Suggestions for games, trivia, format, etc. welcome. Comment below.

Plz. rt

13 54

Q & A

Please reply below with general and topic-related question you would like to ask . There's no guarantee she'll get to your question, but she'll try her best!

0 14

I hear leaving book reviews for an author during this quarantine is a great way to get those warm fuxxy feelings, earn karma points, and pass the time during these lockdown days : )



3 34

wants to know, "When agents think your story is cute, clever, and makes them smile, but want to tighten text to increase the humor what do you look at first to make those smiles turn into laughs especially w/o illustrations?"

1 22

Question 9 for asks, "What if your humor doesn't come across to others critiquing your work? Any suggestions to correct/revise?" 

0 15

Our 8th Question for

"Do your ideas begin with a character that you create a story for, or with a line of text that you find a character for? And, Does character drive humor, or does humor drive character? What is in the driver's seat for your work?"

0 22