Crop of a comm for @/Pr3ttyPinkPony

15 129

Hidden mvp of the update: EX lines for all the PR3 ships! I can't wait to hear my oathed Drake's! 🙏

0 12

finally got drake my 2nd pr3 ships after cheshire

2 94


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*jpf ada yang pernah beli fanmerch doll anime gini gak? Kalau ada yang tau, mau minta info maker yang buat karakter anime lain selain ini 🙏

Cr: @.pr3tukk4t4j4

0 0

Collab between my cousin Pr3ss3d LLC and myself. My uncle wanted a shirt with this image and she made it. She also makes socks, masks and much more! Check her work out at

5 5

My favorite PR3! She's so beautiful!!! 😍

0 13

Absolutely love the design of HMS Cheshire since they added PR3 in Azur Lane

0 3

B-baca ajaa m/pr3g tapii, babynya cuttteee beudd😂

0 0

Azur Lane Edition

Out of the new ships, these are my top 4 favorites. Champagne is great too but not high on my list. Cheshire was like love at first sight for me. Who's your favorites from these PR3 girls?

14 63

P()V Y()u 4ND Y()uR BFF 4R3 G()1NG ()uT 4ND Y()u 4R3 PR3S3NT1NG 4S 4 W()M3N F()R TH3 F1RST T1M3 4ND 4LS() Y()u 4R3NT 4 L1TTL3 B1TCH

0 1

Odin seriously grinding the top. Cute voice, great design. Oh my fucking god PR3 is so GOOD !

1 3


Painting process Video :
Broadcast Alarm & Download GIF :

179 662


🏡右下:STAY HOMEの統一


19 124

1. レヴィン出撃、4枚重ねる(出撃してもOK)
2. ハイドラのスキルでレヴィン含めたユニット5枚が絆に加わる(ハイドラの戦闘力50アップ)
3. PR3CエルトのBSでレヴィンを回収
4. レヴィン出撃、新5Cセリスや5Cユリアを含めて多量に出撃+フルパン、絆のエルトを表に
5. 2. に戻る

0 13

my piece for the zine! i was stuck between "PLUR and Purr" or "PR3TTY R4V3R G1RL" for a title

163 518


0 2 finally finished all four chibi comms for pr3gowhales on dA

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