A commission for Maha on discord! Both characters belong to them!

2 4

currency commissions! I need those berries and slimes, man

14 79

halloween themed pacapillar :3 claimed on Patreon ♥

3 41

sometimes youre an apple

4 28

drew some more pacapillar prompts!!

3 8

And a piece I did for my personal pacapillar. This character was designed by plushpon but is owned by me (snackpack @ TH) Please do not use him as a reference, or claim him as your own. He is very important to me.

2 7

More These were comminsioned by some very lovely people and lemme just say, Thank You! Very cute pacas!!! 🥰

2 3

drew some pacapillar art last night

3 7

Finished another Pacapillar custom!! I really loved lighting this one :D

11 65

All the pacapillars from today's gacha <3 thank you everyone who got one! I always have a lot of fun hosting these aaaa

7 59

I recently reconnected with and and got this qt new that had apples growing out of their butt. I think I'm gonna call them Fairy. :3c

3 10

some prompt art for this month!!!
a lovely evening and a spooky game of DND!

8 37

Finally got my csp transferred to my surface pro and wanted to play around with it tonight by drawing my pacapillar Jericho! Definitely enjoying and getting the hang of this program ;v;

4 10

Drew my split Ally, Barry, and Charlie! 😄

5 20

drew two of my having a sleepover!!!

18 83

More I recently joined a discord dedicated to these little guys called They have a "draw my guy" channel so this little bean is from there.

2 4

A small drawing I did of my new Pacapillar!

I experimented a bit with the shading and lines \o/

5 12