Okay, easy with the edge there Pewds. You're drinking too much G-Fuel

1 7

For pewds Minecraft series! Spent quite a lot of time so I hope he sees it! https://t.co/7nvusSyCgc

9 185

Kinda dramatic ( thank god sven and joergen are safe! ohyeahandpewds ) https://t.co/sHy6X2cchy

24 162

I painted Victorian family photo of pewds https://t.co/FhSQANR07G

76 1199

I painted a Victorian family portrait of Pewds

3 26

Still love watching pewds even if he is Defeated by T-Cheaters

2 9

so pewds used to crossdress

0 16

99% are drawings of cute girls. And there's also pewds.

0 7

Everyone tweet Coca-Cola to partner with pewds! https://t.co/35Mp7zjkVt

90 734

Dammit, that tune is catchy. Y U DO DIS PEWDS *flails*

0 0

Oopsie Doopsiepie
I couldn't get that blur effect I wanted for the blue strands so I had to use the blue in a different way and made it the background with white strands qwq

1 2

I'm already subbed to pewds

The headshot colors are more accurate, I did an immediate redesign the moment I had my laptop. I just wound up forgetting the glasses so.

0 0

There is a white outline, but if I erase it more, I would damage the original pfp. Plus, the color scheme of it is red, and it would combine with the pewds wave, so... yeah enjoy i guess??

0 0

this pls(i already subbed to pewds:D)

0 1

This one of my drawings is based of the livestream that did today so people can sub to pewds! Thanks green pewdiepie! Btw, sub 2 pewdiepie or Jack freezes to death.

3 7

I noticed that T-series is getting dangerously close to pewds.
So Im doing my part.

1 4

Pewds and Zukich because I can, y’all can’t stop me
Take it with my whole love

13 246