Aggron, Deino, Staraptor, Umbreon, Galar Zigzagoon & Pidove

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Lovely drawing of Pikachu, Fennekin and Pidove by illustrator and Pokemon designer Atsuko Nishida (西田敦子). She designed Pikachu!

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Inktober Pidove

If I had the time, i wouldve made like...20 of these cute little dudes.

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pidove is such a great pokemon. I don’t care it’s literally just a cartoon pigeon it has such warm energies.

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New Unova Pokémon Patrat, Lillipup, Purrloin and Pidove hatch from 2 km Eggs in

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god I barely post but hi I love Pidove its so round and soft,,,

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Hell yeah I made a Here’s me trying to scoop them stories with my partner, Pidove!

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Commission wips will be sent out the weekend, but for now please enjoy the requested Pokémon doodled I did while I was sick, and will be continuing on my lunch break tomorrow!

Togekiss, pidove, and starly!

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This is art that I made from my now discontinued Pokemon Black and White Nuzlocke Versus let's play. I managed to evolve the Pidove that I caught into a Tranquil on top of that, I'm acually happier with the evolved form drawing haha.

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I drew this Pidove having a Kiwi fit. Just imagine it attacking while she streams. I did my best with this one but I was time crunched BUT I HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE THIS TIME. I was exercising way longer than usual. PRAISE ME FOR BEING A GOOD BOI

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(How did I have three Pokemon characters in a row)

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