「潔癖男子攻略法」第1話が掲載されている『PriaL vol.3』が本日5/25より配信開始となりました〜〜〜!(°-°💞 )また、このお話のみの単話配信も6/8よりRenta!さん他にて順次開始となります(°-°💞 )

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PriaL Vol.3配信スタートです!
【No one's perfect】act.1が掲載されております(単話配信は来月予定)

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These are the items with the most bids so far! Support the RWA by adding your bid.
1. Untitled, Mixed Media https://t.co/880rwQofCB
2. Crowdom, Mixed Media https://t.co/LY8tOK5usU
3. Prial of Threes, Acrylic on Card https://t.co/RKCAqdQrQA

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Toxins can be turned into drugs. The 2004 FDA approved Prialt, comes from the venom of Conus magus and treats chronic pain by blocking calcium channels in nerve cells. Bad Ass!

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