Been trying to find a way to illustrate what I’ve been feeling recently. I think a lot of people are now feeling this kind of effect from covid. Just know that your feelings are valid.

176 937

Starting work again has been extremely stressful. Gonna be a bit before I find my groove of things. Enjoy this second part of the Golden Girls series.

94 588

Worked on 2 commissions and a comic on my 🛫🛬 yesterday. Here’s another series.

108 821

What if Jacque died and Weiss takes over the SDC? What if Summer never died and with Tayang both raised Ruby together and she never knew about her sister?

Read pt 1 first

148 1015

Ok putting a brake to this series for now. Enjoy another time machine special.

163 1140

Been awhile.

The next will be about...

31 522

Just when you thought was frightening enough, you now need to impress a Gundam.

85 468

The Delorean part 6.

To be Continue? 👀

81 515

It's that time again. Wear protection.
Get. Sexy.

Prison has allowed me to be raunchy. I am so raunch. Raunch dressing.

113 554

The Delorean series.

Starts off with a Yang.

95 481