//=time() ?>
Raz: "So, Did I pass this time, Coach Oleander?"
Oleander: "No, Razputin...You Failed."
Raz: "I failed. *Sadly*"
Ford: "It is not you that failed, Razputin, It's Coach Oleander that's failed you! You are relieved of your teaching duties!"
*Raz and Dogen walk into Coach Oleander's classroom and open the door. Oleander is at his desk.*
Oleander: "Razputin, what are you doing here, so late? *Raz Shoots a net at Oleander* Whatever you're doing *Inflates and talks in a deep voice* IS GOING ON YOUR PERMENANT RECORD!!!"
Oleander: "*Painting outside, in the meadow, relaxed* Ahhhhh...I feel so serene now that I'm away from that homicidal maniac, Razputin. *Raz, Ford, and the New Teacher are going fast in the tank through the meadow. Oleander gasps and panics and drops the painting on the ground.*
*Oleander in a prison pone call with Raz*
Raz: "So, How's it going, Coach Oleander?"
Oleander: "Uh, Razputin, I apologize, I shouldn't have passed you, you really weren't ready..."
Raz: "I guess I got to give my Basic Braining Badge back, huh..."
Continued From Last Night:
Raz: "Sorry...I'm Late. *Smiles nervously*
Oleander: "Razputin, I told you before, USE THE DOOR!!! *Points at door while saying "USE THE DOOR!!!" and becomes mad*"
Raz: "Sorry, Coach Oleander, I was so excited, that I forgot...*Smiles nervously*"
*Oleanders walks over to Raz, whom was trampled over by the onslaught of the other running campers*
Oleander: Razputin? Are you OK?
Raz: "I overdid the speech again, didn't I?"
Oleander: "I'm afraid so..."
Raz: "Aww...Tarter Sauce..."
Benny: "Razputin!!! Give me that wheel!!!"
Raz: "I got it!"
*The two argue and break the steering wheel of the tank*
Benny: "Just let go of it!"
Oleander: "Oohooho..."
Based on Spongebob Season 6 Episode Boating Buddies.
(This is an overhated episode imo)
Oleander: "So Razputin thinks we can prank him? Huh! We'll prank him right back! We'll rig up the cabin with trap doors, flying ghosts, and a thousand cadavers, IN A ZOMBIE BALLROOM!!! H-OOP *Puts his hands over his mouth in shock* What am I saying?"
Oleander: "*Deep voice* Oh Razputin Why?"
This is so cursed when he does this. It's freaky seeing Oleander smile or try to. Also, he's being cursed in general. I cannot stop laughing, poor Raz being squished by Oleander's body. Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Raz: "I cheated, Cheated, Cheated, I'm a cheater!!!"
Oleander: "No! No! No! It's alright! You can cheat!
Raz: "Well...I CHEATED!!!"
Oleander: "That way Razputin!!!"
A cursed scene redraw of Boating School. They are small lol. Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Oleander: "*Gasp* Razputin?! Uh...It's J.T. J.T. is the hall monitor... *Sweats nervously*"
J.T.: Coach Oleander, I did it already!"
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Hall Monitor.
A cursed scene redraw from boating school. Geez Oleander be so round. More like Olly Olly Oxen free be roundeed. What is going on? lol >:) Oh he’s about to do "Oh, Razputin, why?“ again and he looks funnier this time around. Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Oleander: "No first thing is to start the tank. *Pushes the button to start the tank. Raz starts shaking and going crazy*
Raz: "Woah-Woah-Woah!!!"
Oleander: "Razputin! Razputin! Relax! It's only the tank!"
Raz: "Oh."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School
Oleander: "*Screams and turns his head, the hot towel comes off his eyes. Raz is acting like a razor blade on Oleander's fingernails.* Ahhh!!! Oii!!! RAZPUTIN!!! *He grunts. He tries to shake Razputin off of his hands*"
Based on Spongebob Season 12 Episode Spongebob's Bad Habit.
Oleander: "Once Again it is time to take the driving portion of the exam. Ok, Razputin."
Another cursed redraw from this scene from Boating School. This scene has many cursed frames imo. Lol. Oleander's helmet in this scene. Based on Sponegbob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Oleander: "Ok Razputin, What's the first thing you do?"
Raz: "1924?"
Oleander: "*Looks at Raz* No *Turns to Raz while writing on his clipboard* the first thing is to start the tank *Starts the tank and Raz shakes*"
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Razputin: "OK! FLOOR IT! *Raz pushes the brake of the tank hard and it sends Oleander and him flying backwards*"
Oleander: "NOOOOOOOOO!
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
Raz and Oleander when they crashed the first time. Oleander has not inflated yet. Lol. They stare into space funnily. Oleander will say "Oh Razputin Why?" shortly and in a deep voice as well, lol ;P. The faces are funny here. Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.
*The tank with Raz and Oleander crashes into the same exact tree a second time, but this time they crash forwards. Oleander inflates much worse than last time (The first time). Raz looks squished*
Oleander: "*Deep Voice* Oh, Razputin why?"
Raz: "I think I cheated."
Oleander: "No Surprise...It's time to once again take the driving portion *Puts on his big helmet* of the exam...Ok...Razputin...*Razputin stands outside the tank awkwardly* Get in the tank..."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.