Took a bash at
Thank you to for giving us the chance to draw her wonderful character
Thought I'd give her a "Lolita in the garden" theme. 🕶❤️🌿

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I thought I'd try my hand at the contest by
Hope I didn't deviate too much from the original.

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Finally finished it! Honestly was a tiny bit out of my zone of comfort but was fun to give a try. Full res version on patreon

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Here is the finished entry for the challenge hosted by Thank you for the challenge and your comics! Hope to read soon as well! Violettes HerzGrinsendes Gesicht mit lächelnden Augen

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Did my take on Paprika for their challenge. Wasn't sure about the nudity in this, so did 2 different versions.

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She inspired me and I adored all her stories, I hope do you like my version of
Thanks 💜🐰✨

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I wanted to do this challenge 'cause I love her style and characters.

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one of my favorite artists had a for their character Paprika and I couldn’t resist xD speed art included at the comments

I loved working on this piece and hope you guys all love it :)

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…thank you for all the gorgeous pics for (NOT related to this pic!)! It will be super hard to choose only 5 artists to feature inside future chapters of 🇺🇸 edition! Sorry if I’m slow interact but there are so many pics!!!!

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I usually never participate in challenges, but a friend introduced this to me and I couldn't pass up on it

1 12

Welp.. I learned a bit from this as far as lighting and use of shapes. Thanks for the challenge

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