Just finished redrawing another group of my OCs, the Star Children! They're eternally young immortal kids who can be fully conscious in the dream world.

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Happy birthday, ! Just finished this fanart of her Fire Emblem OC Alya to celebrate!

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So I decided to quickly draw Bartz from Final Fantasy V, because I love his (in-game) design. And I decided to do some airbrush shading and... yeah.

(also I did two different hair colours for him, left is art hair, right is in-game hair)

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Just finished the last of my band OCs, the Nightwatchers! Here's their goth keyboardist, Avonde!

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Just finished drawing the third of my band OCs! Here's our guitarist, Gauren!

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Just finished redrawing the second of the Nightwatchers (my music band OCs), Nuitia!

I really like how her casual look turned out here.

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Just finished this quick art of my band boy Seric! Left costume is him as the lead singer of his band, right is his casual outfit.

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Well... it's that terrifying time of the year again...

Ahahaha! Macabre Samurai has risen from the grave!

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Here, have one of my OCs, Caelan! (formerly named Theodore, I finally changed his name because I don't like the old name anymore)

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Here, have this quick art of Vincent Everglade (OC)!

This was partially made with the Huion drawing tablet I recently recovered. I've also been playing around with a new, smaller-headed proportions style.

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So my sister and I watched The Owl House for the first time today, and man do I love this show.

So I decided to cook up this art of the main protagonist, Luz!

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Here, have some art of Sanae Kochiya! I'm surprised I haven't drawn her since my older art days, being my favourite Touhou character and all.

This is just the flat colours, I do plan to finish this with some shading later.

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No proper art for today, but I did try out this little experiment. How well do transparent outlines work with my style?

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Here, have this quick art of my samurai boy, Shirakawa no Katsurou.

Nothing too special, just an excuse to draw him again and polish up his design a bit.

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So. It's been two years since I joined Twitter!

Not sure if this is really a celebration, but you can have this freshly-finished art of Vincent Everglade (one of my OCs) to go with it!

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So I drew this art of one of my OCs, Vincent Everglade, on the receiving end of some emotional turmoil.

I'm thinking of coming back to this piece to polish and shade it. Might try out that fancy new shading style from my last piece.

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Well, this took a while, but I finally finished this art of Melia Antiqua! I've been wanting to draw her for a while, favourite Xenoblade character and all, and I ended up experimenting with this airbrushy shading style.

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Finally, my four-day project has come to an end: drawing my take on Human Sonic and his various alternate forms!

This took a while, but it was definitely fun.

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