画質 高画質

まであと67日 ストリーミングチアーあきら モバマスの衣装だとこれが好きかも でも#seaside_colorもめっちゃ好き!クールは次で最後

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My favorite FE character is Robin! I got into the series because of their inclusion in Smash, and I've been maining him there since the Wii U days. Robin Seaside Tactician's my main unit in Heroes too!

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「SEASIDE NEW YEAR PARTY 2023」Day2の時の立花日菜さん…🎍

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Meet my OC, Kyona Watanabe! A fire Lindwyrm living in a small seaside town. 🍎

If you have any questions about her, feel free to ask!


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(多分他にももっと描くけど取り急ぎ) 「SEASIDE NEW YEAR PARTY 2023」 DAY1昼の部の打ち合わせもせずにヨネダ2000さんのネタを合わせられる息ぴったりのMCの桑ちゃん、ゆっきー流石過ぎて笑いました🤣

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Tracy Savage artist
She has a gallery in Scarborough North Yorks, it’s a busy seaside town in Summer. Hope she does excellent trade and manages to avoid the ice cream wielding children( and adults) I speak from experience ( having had a bookshop in a holiday destination town

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Working on what paint colours to take to the Cornish seaside in Jan and Jaipur in Feb….

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I really like Seaside Elincia. Her now being waves, her sandals being seashells in the sand, her being free. Everything.

I also finally got the unmasked Black Knight, Zelgius. I also love the fact that he holds his broken helmet that he dawned throughout the whole prior game.

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Wakamiya Eve - Seaside Posing

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オケコン行けて本当に良かった…!「Seaside Vacation」生歌唱は因幡深雪が目の前におる…おる…!って私の心の中の井田先生がペンライト振り回して涙してました。以下、素人の簡単な感想です。

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seaside benchみたいな座るような場所を指定すると、ほぼこういう構図。

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Family day out at the seaside~

Finished this drawing last year😊

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