¡Tampoco tenéis que dejar escapar a la brillante ! La oscense cuenta con obras como "En La Oscuridad", la desgarradora historia del periodista Antonio Pampliega, que estuvo 300 días secuestrado en Siria >>>

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los errores te hacen mas fuerte

Siria Venezuela y Corea del Norte

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No olvidemos que USA ha hecho exactamente lo mismo que Rusia actualmente a lo largo de la historia, desde Texas en mexico, hasta Siria, pasando por LATAM y la invasión a afganistan en donde Literalmente nunca hubo armas nucleares.

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Today's supporter sketch is for SiriaRyder! Ikora's got a little one in a bind

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Luego de decapitar al gobernador y conquistar Egipto, en 272 Zenobia, cuyo imperio nacía en Siria, le declaró la guerra al Imperio Romano. Miles de hombres murieron por ella.
No crean que un mundo gobernado por mujeres sería de paz. Consideren cómo hoy claman matar inocentes.

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Another commission to a patron on Patreon ✨
Commission of an OC called Siria Alosis ✨

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Shiany from the lands of Ossiriand

An elf warrior knight

This character belongs to in the d&d campaign that we played based in Beleriand

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Iavas from the lands of ossiriand

An Elf Hunter of Shadows

This character belongs to in the d&d campaign that we played based in Beleriand

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Thanks for the thread and happy Black history month!!! ❤
I'm Osiria,and I'm just going with the flow

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i definitely need to update some of these pics but (in order) blueberry, lady osiria, sascha, and aya are all in their 20s. sascha is 25 and i don’t have solid ages for the other 3 yet but aya is younger than sascha

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Creatuanary Day 23: H.R. Giger Inspired Creature. Back in my days on Bitstrips, I made a sci-fi series called "Civil Unrest." Sirian mercenaries were among the antagonists. Here's what I imagine them to look like now.

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For ~MementoMoriAL, ~Siriah, and ~SkyoftheSkeld!

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Little Christmas Whiterose family art

(P. S. Osiria knows Santa isn't real👁️👁️)

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Decided to make a Alarune MILF Queen! Her name is Osiria, please love her.

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They’re boyfriends your honor

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アルタイルさん(@ sirialtairspi)へプレゼントアイコンのマイキャラさん描かせていただきました~!

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La palabra asesino viene de “ḥaššāšīn” que significa en árabe “Adicto al hachís”. Haššāšīn se les llamaba a los miembros de una secta de Siria que iban puestos hasta arriba de hachís a la hora de matar a mandatarios en la época de las Cruzadas.

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