Art commissioned by (again thank you so much).

May the 4th be with you all!

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WOW! Ashoka and Rex's stories were wrapped up flawlessly. The final Darth Vader scene gave me chills & was the perfect ending of an era 🙏

This was well worth the wait, thank you Clone Wars   

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To celebrate I thought I’d retool my old poster for the film that started it all in the style of with both modern & retro graphics.

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I think the fandom can use something cute to cheer them up today so I'm posting this thing I did a while ago on here now.. and gossiping on the skywalkers

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Schickt uns ein Foto von eurem Lieblings Sammlerstück oder Platz und gewinnt eins von zwei Fanpakete zu -

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Gewinnspiel zum Heimkinostart von ... gewinnt mit eins von zwei Fanpaketen ->

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As for Luke he ends his journey in the place he started it (very nostalgic, you know, full circle). He remains mythological Skywalker (as we all are), but he takes much more safer legacy. Galaxy could be angry at Skywalkers 'cause of Vader. It's easier to be a Kenobi. The end.

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Skywalkers skywalkin

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Today's Skywalker Sunday Distraction: Picture Old Beru telling Mara, stories Luke finds embarrassing. Here's mine. "Mara did you know Luke's friends used to call him Wormie?" "OMG, Aunt Beru!" 😉 What's yours?

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