
197 437

[ persona 4 , souyo ] shitty future!au doodle time!! yu is Struggling,,,,poor guy

29 103

how self indulgent can i get??

souyo cousinsona u wu

9 34

yosuke doodle bc i finally finished p4…… gay ass

9 44

Everyday's great at your junes
💛#souyo || || ||

23 106

souyo but they switched bangs

115 578

request from tumblr! yu has been charmed by....?

14 29

remember when u just had to turn around the phone and pray when taking selfies lmao

33 47

It had been a while since my most recent souyo and the previous souyo (I should really draw them more, dang) but I just realized my latest souyo kinda looks similar to my 2nd souyo I ever drew, done Dec 2020 (shown on the right)

A year's worth of improvement 🥳

54 160

[souyo][persona 4]

happy holidays !! here's my piece(s) for the exchange! the prompt was the IT trying to get them together via mistletoe hijinks and i couldn't resist doing more than just one illustration lol i hope you like it!❄️🥺🎄

28 56

happy kringle!!
for for secret souyo santa
the prompt ice skating with nanako was just too cute to pass up ◝₍⁽⁺⁰꒳⁰⁾₎◜*✲゚✧

44 80

Going back to my roots!!! I miss them so bad 😭 kind of really excited for p4au re-release so I doodled something rq!!

103 261

i love when adult souyo is like this

32 264